
Booker T

Booker T is an 11-time WCW Tag Team Champion, a six-time World Champion, winner of the 2006 King of the Ring Tournament and the man responsible for popularizing ...

Booker T (wrestler)

Booker is an overall six-time world champion in professional wrestling, having won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship five times and WWE's World Heavyweight ... Stevie Ray · Sharmell · Ivan Putski · Scott Casey

Booker T 的個人檔案

Booker T. 1250545 個讚好· 333 人正在談論這個. The official page for 35X Wrestling Champion & WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

Booker T. Huffman (@bookertfivex) • Instagram photos and videos

7 天前 · Official Account of WWE Hall of Famer, 35X Wrestling Champion, Host of #TheHallofFame on @espn975 & Founder of @RealityofWrestling.

Booker T. Huffman(@bookertfivex)• Instagram 相片與影片

Official Account of WWE Hall of Famer, 35X Wrestling Champion, Host of #TheHallofFame on @espn975 & Founder of @RealityofWrestling.

The WWE Hall of Fame career of Booker T

Relive Booker T's WWE Hall of Fame career from his early days as a tag team competitor with Harlem Heat to his record-setting reigns as a singles champion.

Undertaker and Booker T clash during spirited bout between PC ...

2 天前 · Undertaker and Booker T express different philosophies during a match between intriguing PC Athletes Jasper Troy and Chris Island. Watch WWE ...


Booker T(—) ,中譯布克T,本名布克·堤歐·霍夫曼(英語:Booker Tio Huffman),是美國職業摔角手,曾經擔任世界摔角娛樂旗下摔角節目SmackDown總經理,曾經效力 ...


BookerTisan11-timeWCWTagTeamChampion,asix-timeWorldChampion,winnerofthe2006KingoftheRingTournamentandthemanresponsibleforpopularizing ...,Bookerisanoverallsix-timeworldchampioninprofessionalwrestling,havingwontheWCWWorldHeavyweightChampionshipfivetimesandWWE'sWorldHeavyweight ...StevieRay·Sharmell·IvanPutski·ScottCasey,BookerT.1250545個讚好·333人正在談論這個.Theofficialpagefor35XWrestlingChamp...